Webinar Master, the book - now free!

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23 March 2020

Today, I’m making my book, Webinar Master, available for free. It’s 44 pages of hints and tips collected hosting and delivering webinars since 2007. Just click the image to download it.

This book was originally published in September 2015 by Canelo press. Now, nearly five years later, amid the corona virus outbreak, there is a surge in people wanting to deliver online. I am grateful to Canelo’s founder, Michael Bhaskar, for permission to issue this slightly modified version for free. (By the way, Canelo does a great line in e-book fiction.)

I was prompted to distribute this book by a webinar I gave on Thursday 19th March 2020, entitled ‘Moving your L&D online – fast’. Despite minimal promotion, the webinar room rapidly filled up to the capacity of 250, with some unable to attend. I knew then that I should distribute this book as soon as possible. Having re-read it several times, I can say that the contents remain absolutely relevant and reflect how I still work. I have only made a handful of alterations to the text.

These are difficult times, and many people in our field of Learning and Development are being called on to accept new challenges at unprecedented speed. Please, if you can, regard this as an opportunity to embrace new practices, and serve those whose learning you support even better. There are unique things that can only be done in online delivery. I urge you to embrace them, and wish you good luck in whatever challenges you face.

Donald H Taylor
March 2020

[Taken from the introduction to the 2020 PDF edition.]

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