L&D GSS 2019: The results

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25 January 2019

Voting on the 2019 Learning and Development Global Sentiment Survey (L&D GSS) ran for 58 days, from 29 November 2018 to 25 January 2019. Nearly 2,000 individuals from 92 countries participated, casting a total of 5,332 votes. The results are below. Figures in brackets give the 2018 positions.

1 Personalization/adaptive delivery (1)
2 Artificial intelligence (3)
3 Learning analytics (new)
4 Collaborative/social learning (2)
5 Micro learning (5)
6 Learning experience platforms (new)
7 Virtual and augmented reality (7)
8 Mobile delivery (10)
9 Consulting more deeply with the business (4)
10 Showing value (6)
11 Performance support (new)
12 Neuroscience/cognitive science (11)
13 Video (13)
14 Curation (9)
15 Developing the L&D function (12)
16 Other: (15)

(3 options were dropped from the 2018 survey: MOOCs, Games/gamification, and Next generation learning platforms)

What stands out from these initial results:

  • Personalization leads the table for the third year, but for how long will this continue? Its share of the vote declined this year, as it did the previous year.
  • Artificial intelligence continues its unprecedented rise from #8 in 2017 to #3 in 2018 to #2 today. No option has seen such growth in interest across the 6 years of the survey.
  • Learning analytics led the voting for several weeks at the beginning of polling. This new entry is clearly a strongly-favoured topic.
  • Collaborative/social learning once dominated these rankings. What does it fall from last year’s #2 position to #4 this year mean?

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