Bob Mosher, Learning and Performance

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13 December 2011

I’m delighted that Bob Mosher will be talking at the Learning Technologies Conference in London in January His subject, of course, is Learning and Performance.

I’ve known Bob for well over  decade and it’s great to have him talk on a subject that is very dear to his heart, and on which he has a slew of useful insight to impart.

And as well as delivering this talk, the Friday following the conference (27th Jan), Bob will be delivering a half-day workshop on Performance in the Workplace in west London.

Bob’s point on performance and learning is that there are 5 points when we need to learn things, and classical ‘push’ training (in the classroom or online) only really addresses two of these. His mission – along with his colleague Dr Conrad Gottfredson – is to move workplace learning from inputs to outputs, from the activity of training to the outcome of increased performance.

Bob’s workshop focuses on the performance support part of all this, in particular looking at moving learning into the workflow and accelerating  employee time to proficiency

The listed fee for the half-day workshop is £199 but Bob has kindly agreed an  admin-only fee of £49.99 for visitors to this blog. That includes VAT, refreshments, and lunch.

If you’d like to know more, just follow this link on Bob’s Performance Support Workshop.

Disclosure: I have no financial interest in this workshop of Bob’s, or in promoting his work, or that of Learning Guide. I just know that what Bob has to say is valuable to anyone working in organisational learning at the moment.

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